Thursday, September 29, 2005

about the band, part 1

Country & Westerinen is a band project with no deadlines. It operates - for the time being - with cover material created by such artists as Travis Tritt, Brad Paisley, Buddy Jewell and Anthony Smith, just to mention some. Please note the links ->

C & W consists of people from different musical backgrounds. Some of us are professional musicians, some semi-pros - the rest being enthusiastic amateurs.
The approach towards the material varies accordingly. Some of us are true believers when it comes to country music. Some of us are interested in the surprising talent, skill, good taste and complexity that the best artists in the genre reflect in their music. And the rest of us are there for the fun of it.

Rehearsing these things is ever so enjoyable, even though very challenging.
Getting these songs to work is not quite easy, if you are not
a) born in the culture
b) musically very talented

But trying to get there sure is FUN! And yes, we are going to perform these things in public, but only when we think we can... =)


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