Friday, October 07, 2005

are we european cowpersons... no!

To be politically correct, one ought to at least take in consideration the possibility of doing the country-thing in an European way. Us Finns being representatives of the "top-of-the-class" -member state of the EU. That would mean that before the Turks join in th EU, there is 27 nations and at least as many languages to cover.
Then there´s the fact of gender politics. In modern European democracies it is close to blasphemy to call somebody "cowBOY" by occupation. No way, for example a "cowboy hat" is:
"domestic bovine animal regardless of sex or age -persons hat".
At the moment there is about 20 songs in the set we are rehearsing. There needs to be more. Lot of translation to be done as well. One to each EU-language.
Like... eh..
Um das nicht Country ist, Ich weiss nicht was ist...
(If that ain´t country, I don´t know what is)
Från Södertelje, ner till Mjölby, Vätterns vatten smakar härrligt...
(From Carolina, down to Georgia, open arms are waiting for ya)
How about it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of the topic this is but...I think we need our own cheerleader group. Yep, I´ll get my coat...

Friday, October 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn´t an American skatepunk -group NoFX do the lamb-thing already?

And kalmala, sir/madam, english speaking lamb say BAA (or BAH, if they´re American. Goats say MAA.
Maybe T-Rox misspelled?

Monday, October 10, 2005  

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