Saturday, October 01, 2005


Somehow- from a 40-year-old persons point of view - it seems that rock and pop music does not renew itself, it does not develop to any direction. Most of the groovy melody-combinations in that field have been played in for numerous times.

It it refreshing to hear that new melodies and fresh approaches can still be found. The direction where they come from is somewhat surprising. One would not think that anything related to country music would be renewing anything, just vice versa.

To a player / musician getting involved with this
material, there is plenty of things to fuss around with.
Lots of stylish licks and hooks
combined to unquestionnable skill.

Otherwise playing country-music does not make any kind
of sense - at least not in Finland. There is an approximate
potential audience of three. Of course friends
and relatives not included.
So the catch - or the (corn) beef - is somewhere else.
Definitely not in the commercial value of the activity.
Just wondering, what the catch might be...
By the way, a solution for the appearance-issue in the
previous post revealed itself:
In the excellent Coen-brothers movie "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" the great band - Soggy Bottom Boys - is very much hillbilly- both in music and appearance. Now - theres an idea...



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